Programming in C#

 Programming in C# (C Sharp)

As we already discussed that we can create multiple types of application using .Net C#. Now we will discuss how we can create multiple type of application using .Net Framework.

  1. Console Application Project
  2. Window Application Project
  3. Web Application Project

Although we can create another types of project using .Net C# such as Class Library Project, Web Services, Window Services and so on.

  • Console Application Project
To create Console application using .Net Framework follow the below steps

  • Go to your window and search (type) Visual Studio. All installed versions of Visual Studio will show there select any one of them and Open. Visual Studio IDE which installed on your system as you can see in the below screen

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 IDE

  • Go to the File menu and select New then Project as shown here

To Create New Project using Visual Studio 2017

  • Click on Project Project from below screen we can have multiple options to create different types application:

In the above screen have multiple types of options available to create different application or Project.

  • Console Application (.Net Framework or .Net Core)
  • Class Library Application (.Net Framework or .Net Core)
  • Asp.Net Web Application (.Net Framework or .Net Core)
  • Another more types are available

 We start learning from Console application to understand about C# then will further for another project such Asp.Net application, MVC, .Net Core and so  many things.

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